Satsangatve nissangatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam, nirmohatve niscalatattvam niscalatattve jivanmuktiH.


Adyaya 1 Valli 2 Mantra 9



naiṣā tarkeṇa ma̱tir āpaneyā
proktā’nyenaiva su̱jñānāya preṣṭha
yāṁ tvam āpas sa̱tyadhritīr batāsi
tvādṛ̍ṅ no bhūyān na̱ciketaḥ praṣṭā

Therefore eṣā = this; na āpaneyā = can not be attained; tarkeṇa = through reasoned argumentation. [For, a logician who is not versed in the Vedas, can argue for and against any and every thesis. Therefore]; preṣṭha = O dearest one; sujñānāya bhavati = leads to sound knowledge; prokte = imparted; anyena eva = by a different person indeed, by a teacher who is versed in the Vedas; yāṁ = that which; tvam āpaḥ = you have attained; asi = you; naciketaḥ = O Naciketas; satya-dhritiḥ = of true resolution. Yama utters the word bata (a particle expressing compassion) out of profound affection for Naciketas, thereby eulogizing the knowledge, that is going to be imparted. praṣṭā = enquirers; naḥ = from us; bhūyān = be; tvādṛk = like you.

Not by reasoning is this knowledge attainable, dearest, but taught by another, it is well understood. You have obtained it, holding fast to the truth. May we find, Naciketas, other inquirers like you.


In this mantra, Yama expresses his great affection for Naciketas as the paragon of a perfect disciple; serious, inquisitive, steadfast, and determined to know. It is not only the student who is in search of the perfect preceptor, but the teacher is also in search of an ardent and sincere student. Furthermore, Yama declares that this knowledge cannot be attained by mere reason and unassisted by a firm faith cannot lead to enlightenment.

Pillai Lokacharya describes the characteristics of a sincere and worthy disciple as follows: Desists from all aims other than spiritual practice and devotional service. Is eager to adopt spiritual practice and discipline. Feels oppressed by Samsara and is eager to be liberated from it. Is humble and respectful.
Is free from envy. (Srivachana Bhushana 3.21)

The path of knowledge requires a proactive quest on the part of the aspirant.
tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā |
upadekṣayanti te jñānaṁ jñāninas-tattva-darśinaḥ ||

Know that by full prostration, by extensive questioning, and by service, the wise, who have realized the truth, will instruct you in [that] teaching. (Bhagavad Gītā 4:34)


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