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Chapter 1 Valli 1 Mantra 27
Response 3: Wealth & Long Life Need No Boon
Na vittena tarpanīyo manusyo
lapsyāmahe vittamadrākshma cettvā;
jīvishyāmo yāvadīsisyasi tvam
varastu me varanīyah sa eva.
Naciketa continues:
Na vittena tarpanīyah manushyah Man cannot be satisfied with wealth alone. lapsyāmahe vittam adrākshma cettva; I shall surely get all the wealth I need now that I have seen and met you. jīvishyāmo yāvat eeshishyasi I shall also remain alive for as long as you remain in power (as you are my friend). varah tu me varanīyah sah eva. Hence, the boon that is worth praying for by me is that wealth alone.
The things offered by Yama can be had even without needing a boon to obtain them. They depend upon one’s Prarabdha Karma. Naciketa wisely wishes to spend his boons only on that which is not obtainable in any other way. Naciketa turns out to be a good, shrewd businessman, too!
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