Satsangatve nissangatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam, nirmohatve niscalatattvam niscalatattve jivanmuktiH.
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Chapter 1 Valli 1 Mantra 25



Test 4: Heavenly & Sexual Pleasures

Ye ye kāmā durlabhā martyaloke
sarvān kāmāmšhandatah prārthayasva;
imā rāmāh sarathāh satūryā
na hīdršāh lambhanīyā manusyaih.
ābhir-matprattābhih parichārayasva
naciketo maranam mānuprāksīh.

Yama presses Nachiketa to the limit:

Ye ye kāmāh durlabhāh martya loke
Whatever heavenly desires are there which are too difficult to obtain in this world of mortals,
sarvān kāmāmšhandatah prārthayasva;
you may ask for all those desires, according to your wishes (any of these heavenly pleasures)
imā rāmāh sarathāh satūryāh
Here are these fair damsels with chariots and musical instruments
na hīdršāh lambhanīyāh manusyaih.
of such (beauty) that are not indeed obtainable or enjoyable by mortals,
ābhir-matprattābhih parichārayasva
I shall give them to you to be attended upon by them.
naciketo maranam mānuprāksīh.
Only, O Nachiketa, do not pursue this question about the Soul after death.

Now Lord Yama goes to the very ultimate test that he is authorized to apply. What has he left out so far which may still be lurking in Naciketa’s mind as being unoffered?

1-2 Heavenly Pleasures: When his attempts so far leave Naciketa unmoved, the offer is stepped up to cover sensual pleasures such as are not obtainable on earth. On earth, one has to strive to get what he desires. In that struggle, there are many obstacles to be overcome. But in heaven, there is no effort needed. The joys are boundless, their pleasure is limitless. Perhaps that may be on the mind of young Naciketa. No, he solidly refuses it!

3-5 Sexual Pleasure: Finding that even these extreme pleasures are having no effect on the boy, Yama plays his trump card – ‘fair damsels’ who would entertain him! Yama in sheer desperation becomes recklessly oblivious to his guest’s age! This is one offer that has unfailingly worked on everyone else. The most tantalizing, and therefore demoralizing, of all sensual objects, is a beautiful woman. Yama’s ultimate weapon is Maya!

Parichaarayasva: “to attend upon you”. Acharyaji added some imagination into this word: A thought may have flashed in Yama’s mind that perhaps Naciketa is not accepting these because he may doubt whether these women will obey him or have their own sweet way due to their pride! So he at once promises that they will ‘attend upon’ him. Not only that, but he will send them fully equipped with all chariots, etc., so they will not ask Naciketa for them. They will give him no trouble at all, only pleasure – so thought Yama.

4 Yama’s intention is simply to check out the Vairagya Quotient of his prospective disciple. The ever-vigilant boy withstands the test with 100 marks out of 100! Yama could test the boy no further. He had run out of all his tricks. His trump card was ‘woman’. When even that failed on Naciketa, the boy was now all his!

Here is how Naciketa responded to Lord Yama’s four tests.
