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Chapter 1 Valli 1 Mantra 19
Yama Invites the Third Boon
Eshah te agnih nachiketah svargyah
yam avrineethaah dviteeyena varena;
etam agnim tava eva pravakshyanti janaasah
triteeyam varam nachiketah vrineeshva.
Eshah te agnih nachiketah svargyah -- Yama: “This then is the ‘Nachiketas Fire Sacrifice’, which leads one to Heaven, (O Nachiketas); yam avrineethaah dviteeyena varena; -- and which you had chosen as your second boon. etam agnim tava eva pravakshyanti janaasah -- Hereafter, people will call this Fire by your name alone. triteeyam varam nachiketah vrineeshva. -- Now your third boon, O Nachiketas, you may choose!”
1 – 3. The second boon is brought to a conclusion in the first three lines. There seems to be no need to devote three lines to conclude the second boon, as it has already been well concluded in the previous verse. However, they do have a dramatic effect. They have the effect of drawing open the curtains as in a live drama, ushering in a new scene.
And drama certainly is. The step from the second boon to the third boon is so significant that it may be called dramatic: It represents the change from Apara Vidya to Para Vidya, from secular concerns to the spiritual quest, from the Unreality to the Reality, the most significant shift in life. We are moving into a whole new dimension to discover the Ultimate Reality. To spend three lines on creating the dramatic effect of welcoming the new topic cannot be considered to be lavish.
4. Two conditions need to be fulfilled for Nachiketas to ask the particular boon that would most satisfy his spiritual thirst. They are:
- The Guru’s Grace: The knowledge is only given when the Guru is pleased with one’s service. It cannot be had otherwise. Nachiketas has so far pleased Yama in every
- The Guru’s Realisation: In addition, Self-knowledge can only be asked from someone who possesses it. Who would be more conversant with this subject than the Lord of Death himself?
Nachiketas is now all fired up with the desire for the highest realm – the state of total liberation from Samsara which means oneness with the supreme Brahman. This requires completely different qualifications from those required for the earlier Karma Kanda rituals or the Upasana Kanda meditations. Here the main quality required is total Dispassion, which is extremely difficult for human beings to possess. It is also very rare to see one so young as Nachiketas reaching out to attain this state of ultimate spiritual enlightenment. This is a moment of history for humanity!
Dispassion is not anti-love, nor is it pro-love. It is not concerned with relative love. It is love for the Highest. The third boon is about fulfilling this desire for the Supreme.
With the next verse, we enter into the Upanishad proper. The serious, spiritual side of it begins to unfold. Up to this point, we have been building up a dramatic scene that has led the disciple to arrive at the feet of his Master. Now the crucial boon is asked . . .
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